Antispiralisation pot

Against transplant shock

The innovative system to ensure a long, luxuriant life for your plants and drastically reduce losses due to transplant shock.

What is it and how does it work?

Roothus® is an injection pot which, thanks to its internal structure, prevents the roots from spiralling. The root, starting from the centre of the plant, heads towards the outer edges of the pot and, guided by the pyramids placed inside, is channelled towards the opening slits and, finding an environment with a high percentage of air, begins to dehydrate at the tip, starting the air pruning (self-pruning) process. At this point, the plant reacts by producing other lateral roots backwards along that same root where the tip is now dry and the process continues as long as the plant is kept in a Roothus® container.
The root system that forms will be dense, fibrous and full of tips pointing outwards, which induces the plant to absorb a greater amount of water and nutrients, stimulating much faster growth and halving the necessary time.



Advantages and benefits


Thanks to the continuous formation of primary, secondary and tertiary roots, the root system of a plant grown in a Roothus® container will be at least twice as developed as a root system grown in a traditional pot.


The particular shape of Roothus® containers ensures greater oxygenation of the soil than any traditional system, a situation which, in addition to triggering the air pruning (self-pruning) process, also ensures better conditions for beneficial bacterial activity, significantly increasing the natural nutrients and resistance to diseases.


Thanks to the vast number of root tips which grow continuously and the efficiency of the root system, the absorption of nutrients increases, thereby guaranteeing a decidedly faster rate of growth, up by at least a third, in terms of the plant’s development, generating faster crop rotation, which then translates into higher profits, a fundamental aspect for nursery crops. Speaking of faster growth, recent results have shown that ''air pruning" technology is even superior to open field crops, which do not use containers.


A guarantee of quality lies in the simple fact that the plant, having a comprehensively developed root system, will produce "compound" branches, with close internodes, eliminating the risk of producing crooked plants or poorly distributed branches, moreover a radial shaped comprehensively developed root system guarantees the plant will benefit from greater health compared to any other type of container, in which partial, non-homogeneous root growth can occur.


Roothus® is a guarantee of success after each transplant. Immediate vegetative recovery is guaranteed by a dense, fibrous, radially developed root system which, reflecting growth as it naturally occurs in an open field, doesn’t take energy from the plant in order to graft into the new substrate.


The characteristic structure of a Roothus® container, which doesn’t feature smooth inner sides, eliminates the spiralling of the roots and the phenomenon of their enlargement, promoting a dense, fibrous radial system, which guarantees the success of any type of plant.


Roots grown in a Roothus® container are much less susceptible to the negative influence that extreme heat or cold can exert on the areas most affected areas.


It can be the case that a batch of young seedlings is not sold or used within the correct timeframe and must stay in the trays longer than expected. Normally, in traditional systems, when the soil is saturated with roots, the seedling begins to suffer, showing signs of poor well-being or exhibits the phenomenon of "abnormal stretching", which is the elongation of the main stem, a phenomenon that obviously weakens the plant and creates losses in the transplant phase. This phenomenon doesn’t occur in Roothus® trays! Thanks to the air pruning process, the continuous generation of new roots ensures and maintains the health of the plant without abnormal stretching.


Unlike other models that use air pruning technology, the Roothus® line of pots and trays are stackable and designed to optimise storage spaces when not in use.


All products in the Roothus® line are made from recycled plastic.

Losses due to transplant shock
0 %
Faster growth compared to traditional systems
until the 0 %
Recycled plastic, environmentally friendly
0 %

Air pruning

What is root air pruning and how does it work?

When the tip of a root is exposed to the air, it dries out. The root loses its dominance and many secondary and tertiary roots develop to replace it. These are then, in turn, air pruned and replaced by even more roots, ultimately providing a very large amount of vigorous young roots without developing defective roots. Only the tips of roots become dehydrated, which forces the plant to rethink where to get sustenance from. This means that it puts out even more lateral roots, creating a dense, fibrous root system that develops comprehensively, which is very good for the plant.

Why do roots appreciate air pruning?

In nature, we know perfectly well that the roots of a plant or a tree do not twist like they do in traditional containers that have been used until now, which create dangerous spiral roots. Roothus® containers promote a comprehensively developed radial root system. Naturally, exceptional roots make excellent plants. The plant grows faster, reaches the desired size faster and is potentially healthier once transplanted. In trees, good quality, untwisted roots are vital, since a circular root remains circular once planted, meaning an unstable (and potentially crooked) tree.

How do these containers prune roots?

The whole pruning process takes place automatically inside the Roothus® containers. We know that roots love to grow in a humid environment and will actively seek it; therefore, this is why Roothus® containers have been studied and designed to guide the roots towards the air pruning bars. Our containers are made of injection moulded plastic, which allow us to develop the characteristics that push the roots towards the air, both at the base where the air pruning process begins and on the sides of the container, also thanks to the natural geotropism that roots are subjected to.

What are the other advantages of air pruning containers?

Since Roothus® containers have open slits, the cultivation substrates have exceptional aeration and drainage. An increase in oxygen in the soil means a significant increase in beneficial bacteria, the plant feeds better and more roots develop, improving the ratio of roots to shoots. Stagnation also becomes a minor problem. A fundamental aspect is the reduction of the percentage of losses during the transplant phase and Roothus® containers lower this percentage from 10-15% to 0-3%, since the radial root system does not remove energy from the plant, which will take root immediately. Thanks to continuously producing new roots, given the same amount of time, plants placed in Roothus® containers will not be “abnormally stretched” and they will be more beautiful and vigorous than others grown in traditional containers. We injection mould containers that are also better suited to mechanisation, ensuring the efficient operation of the production chain.

Are there any disadvantages to air pruning containers?

The only disadvantage is not learning to use this technology. Since drainage is better than a traditional container, irrigation cycles have to be set according to the drying times of the substrate. Perhaps with shorter, but more frequent cycles, so as to ensure moist, yet not soaking wet soil. The substrate used must conform to the type of Roothus® container, i.e. a grain that is not too fine to prevent it coming out of the pruning slits.

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